Tag: Summer
Let’s Get Started! Steps to Plan Your New Homeschool Year
Whether you’re starting homeschooling in the middle of the year, during the summer, or are an experienced homeschool-veteran, the first day of homeschool should be an exciting time! With that, there can also be some anxieties about the beginning of a new year. To make the transition seamless, we’ve come up with some back to […]
Summer Learning Ideas to Keep Young Minds Active
As the summer months approach, many caregivers – whether their child attends traditional school or is homeschooled – worry about gaps in learning. This topic is never more present in conversation than in the context of summer learning loss or the summer slide. Simply put, learning loss can occur during the summer months when students […]
Learning In the Garden Classroom
Gardening is not only a relaxing hobby but can also be an exceptional learning opportunity for students. Here are some of the easy learning opportunities available in your home garden for students from preschool to high school. Starting Your Homeschool Garden You don’t need acreage or even a backyard to start a small garden! Find […]
Roadschooling: The Ultimate Educational Travel Adventure!
Flexibility is one of the main factors that draws families to homeschooling—particularly flexibility in scheduling and in individualizing instruction. What many families overlook, however, is the flexibility that homeschooling brings to where schooling takes place. Can you homeschool outside of the home? Absolutely! Roadschooling, or “learning on the road,” is one form of homeschooling that […]
Fourth of July Activities for Homeschoolers
“Independence Day” or “July 4th” — two names for the patriotic holiday set aside for the commemoration of the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. On that day, the Continental Congress put the original 13 colonies in motion toward the creation of a new nation — the United States of America. That’s certainly […]
Why Is Summer a Great Time to Begin Homeschooling?
Perhaps your children are attending a traditional school, and you have determined that you will transition to homeschool for the upcoming year. Great choice! Setting up your homeschool may take some time, but your efforts will be worth it. Have you considered easing into homeschool over the summer months? Here are some excellent reasons why […]
Year-Round Homeschooling Benefits and Schedules
At some point during the homeschool year, you may notice that your September through June schedule isn’t working. The flexibility, spontaneity, and relaxed pace you and your kids loved about homeschooling doesn’t feel the same anymore. Year-round homeschooling may help you out of your slump and the traditional school year calendar mindset. It can provide […]
Summer Project-Based Learning Ideas
With summer upon us, it’s the perfect time to break out of the mold in your homeschool approach. If you’re looking for an alternative to your usual routine, project-based learning could be a fun option. Project-based learning is an educational practice that uses real-life projects to sharpen core skills in math, science, language arts, and […]
Summer Reading Lists for Students of All Ages
Reading throughout the year is important for children of all ages, but summer reading is especially important, as kids (and sometimes parents), tend to take time off from school activities. In fact, the Cleveland Clinic found many advantages to reading: ”Reading with your children builds warm and happy associations with books, increasing the likelihood that […]
The Time4Learning 2022 Summer Art Contest
Updated 10/13/22 They’re finally here! The 12 winning drawings from our 2022 Summer Art Contest have been brought to life as cute and cuddly plushies. Time4Learning students were given the freedom to draw and color anything — themselves, a pet, someone important to them, or a unique character they made up — and they came […]
Set Your Summer Learning Goals
If you have a child who could benefit from summer learning, setting goals can help your student catch up, stay on track, and develop important life skills. Here are some strategies to weave summer goals into your academic year! Summer Strategy for Summer Enrichment If your family typically reserves academics for the school-year calendar, then […]
Our Family’s Favorite Summer Learning Activities
Summertime in South Florida is…hot. For me, it is also the perfect time to evaluate my kiddo’s performance over the last year, and make any necessary adjustments. I learned the hard way that you can’t wait for July or August to roll around to start thinking about the upcoming year. We did that our first […]
Can an Online Summer Program Benefit Your Child?
Summer is right around the corner. For families, so is the opportunity to discover the awesome power of summer to help their kids catch up and thrive in their homeschool or traditional brick-and-mortar school. With the season’s warmer weather and longer days, summer is synonymous with outdoor activities, family vacations, and a more relaxed routine. […]
Learn a Foreign Language This Summer!
Multiple studies have shown that learning a foreign language leads to many opportunities for children in different ways throughout their lives. Additionally, there are numerous correlations with being bilingual to intelligence, memory, and verbal and spatial abilities. Benefits of Learning a Foreign Language Children who learn a new language have shown improvement in reasoning, problem […]
Math Enrichment Activities for Summer
Keeping your child’s math skills sharp during the summer months is especially important — whether you’re a homeschooler or a parent whose children attend a traditional school system. Here’s why: A recent study by Harris Cooper, professor of psychological sciences at the University of Missouri, revealed that an average of 2.6 months of math skills […]