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Tag: Covid19

Homeschool for a Second Year or Go Back to School? Thumbnail

Homeschool for a Second Year or Go Back to School?

I started homeschooling back when the word and idea were not widely known. Now that 10 percent of the U.S. population is homeschooling, I’m asked more and more by friends whether they should homeschool a second year or return to traditional schooling. A survey from the U.S. Census Bureau tells a fascinating story about the […]

Why I’m so Grateful to be a Homeschooler this Holiday Season Thumbnail

Why I’m so Grateful to be a Homeschooler this Holiday Season

This time of year is always reflective. Gratitude posts make their rounds on social media, and we busily prepare for holiday celebrations with family and friends. As a longtime homeschool mom with a son in high school, I feel especially grateful this holiday season. The past year and a half has shown many of us […]

Jamie’s Journey: From School Principal to Homeschool Mom Thumbnail

Jamie’s Journey: From School Principal to Homeschool Mom

As a child, Jamie Gaddy always dreamed of being a teacher. She followed her dream and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education. During her career as an educator, she taught everything from preschool to junior high school. During that time, something caught her attention. “I noticed that a lot of my fellow teachers […]

The Time4Learning Team
Mental Health Check-Up: Tips for Students and Parents Thumbnail

Mental Health Check-Up: Tips for Students and Parents

The last year-and-a-half was full of challenges and issues that most of us have never experienced before. In addition to the health concerns brought on by COVID-19, adults and children have had to adjust to being home for prolonged periods away from family, friends, and coworkers. Homes have become our office space as well as […]

The Time4Learning Team
Family Uses Time4Learning to Reverse Learning Loss Thumbnail

Family Uses Time4Learning to Reverse Learning Loss

According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), only 34% of eighth graders tested at or above a proficient level in math and reading in 2019. The Blalock family experienced this statistic personally, as their son, Jack, had struggled with these subjects throughout his academic career. False Assurance While Jack’s parents were certainly aware […]

The Time4Learning Team
We’re Glad We Switched to Homeschooling Before the Pandemic Thumbnail

We’re Glad We Switched to Homeschooling Before the Pandemic

“Well, you picked a good time to homeschool!” I cannot count the number of times I heard that comment from friends and family over the past year and a half. In September of 2019, just prior to the pandemic, I decided to homeschool my daughter, who had been in traditional school from preschool through the […]

Homeschooling Solved Our Public School Safety Worries Thumbnail

Homeschooling Solved Our Public School Safety Worries

Across the country, many families are facing an important decision- send their children back to traditional school or homeschool. We recently caught up with one parent and Time4Learning member, Amanda Flores, who made the decision to homeschool after growing frustrated by shifting mask mandates in her state. While it was not an easy decision, learn […]

The Time4Learning Team
Reflections on Our First Graduation Celebration Thumbnail

Reflections on Our First Graduation Celebration

By John Edelson, Founder and President of Time4Learning After almost two decades of providing online education to homeschoolers, Time4Learning recently stepped into a new space, and hosted our first online graduation celebration for high school seniors. Historically, we have not held such an event since we are a curriculum provider and not a school. Year-after-year, […]

The Time4Learning Team
Improving Student Confidence Through Homeschooling Thumbnail

Improving Student Confidence Through Homeschooling

When her daughter’s school transitioned from full-time virtual instruction to part-time, in-school instruction during the pandemic, Cristina soon noticed a change in her nine-year-old’s demeanor. Not only was Elizabeth Rose coming home with signs of anxiety, her grades were also suffering and she was barely sleeping and eating. Cristina wasn’t the only one who noticed. […]

The Time4Learning Team
Meet Zoi’, a Homeschool Grad and Aspiring Engineer Thumbnail

Meet Zoi’, a Homeschool Grad and Aspiring Engineer

It’s not every family that would switch to homeschooling in the middle of their child’s senior year of high school amidst a pandemic. But that’s exactly what one family did this past school year. And recent homeschool grad and Time4Learning user Zoi’ thrived because of it! Back to Homeschool Thankfully, homeschooling wasn’t completely unfamiliar to […]

The Time4Learning Team
Double Duty: Meet a Virtual Teacher and Homeschooling Mom Thumbnail

Double Duty: Meet a Virtual Teacher and Homeschooling Mom

Homeschooling was never on the agenda for Jenna G. from Texas. After all, as a long-time public school teacher, she always planned on having her 4-year-old son go to a brick-and-mortar school. Then, the pandemic hit, and in March of 2020, her son, Aiden, started remote learning like millions of children. Later that year in […]

The Time4Learning Team
Homeschooling Gives Busy Mom the Gift of Time Thumbnail

Homeschooling Gives Busy Mom the Gift of Time

With four children ages 10, 7, 3, and 6-months, and a busy work schedule that started at 5:00 a.m. and ended late into the night, New York City resident, Shantasia Black, had a lot on her plate just over a year ago. But it wasn’t the hectic schedule that was stressing her out, it was […]

The Time4Learning Team
Mom Uses Time4Learning to Prevent Her Kids from Falling Behind in School Thumbnail

Mom Uses Time4Learning to Prevent Her Kids from Falling Behind in School

Like any other parent, Sarah Murphy wants her kids to be happy and successful, and she believes education is the key to achieving these goals. However, she also feels that what the pandemic has done to education has the potential to derail those plans. Sarah lives in Illinois with her two children, a daughter in […]

The Time4Learning Team
A Gifted Child’s Journey Using Time4Learning For Afterschool and Homeschooling Thumbnail

A Gifted Child’s Journey Using Time4Learning For Afterschool and Homeschooling

This is a story about helping a young girl reach her full potential. It’s about breaking down age and grade-level expectations, and, more importantly, limitations. It’s about not accepting others’ opinions about how far a gifted girl can go. It’s about using Time4Learning as a learning playground for a beautiful mind, a place where a […]

The Time4Learning Team
How One Military Family’s Dream of Homeschooling Finally Came True Thumbnail

How One Military Family’s Dream of Homeschooling Finally Came True

Homeschooling has been a popular choice among military families for years. Among the 1.2 million children of active-duty military parents, more than 6 percent are homeschooled, according to estimates by the Military Child Education Coalition. The flexibility homeschooling provides has helped many military parents, like Ailed G., meet their family’s unique needs. In this special […]

The Time4Learning Team

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