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Arkansas Homeschool Associations

Arkansas Homeschool Associations
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Homeschooling, although legal in all 50 states, has not been without challenges. Yet, it also has had firm advocates on all of those states. At least one statewide home school association has a presence in almost every state, with the overall goal of promoting home education and protecting every parent’s right to choose the best educational options for their specific child(ren).

Arkansas is no different in this regard. It has a strong and active homeschool association that has been in operation since 1998.

The Arkansas Homeschool Alliance

According to its website, the goal of the Homeschool Alliance is to “seek to promote, protect, and strengthen home schooling by serving as a statewide home school support organization dedicated to helping anyone interested in home schooling.” In Arkansas, the state homeschool association is a division of Family Council, a conservative research and education organization dedicated to upholding traditional values in accordance with biblical principles.

Services that the Homeschool Alliance offers to homeschool families include:

  • Advocacy on behalf of homeschoolers with elected officials and the state Department of Education
  • Access to consulting services
  • A home educator card
  • A student ID card
  • A traditional graduation ceremony
  • A printed diploma (with submitted documentation)
  • A printable packet of information for new homeschoolers (fee-based)

Benefits of a Homeschool Organization

In general, a state homeschool association gives parents the peace of mind that there is someone who “has their back” when it comes to this unique educational option. One of the reasons that homeschooling has grown at such a tremendous pace is because organizations at the state level are able to compile all the most relevant information regarding homeschooling in one place.

They are often a family’s first resource for finding support groups locally, making sense of state homeschooling laws, and discovering what they need to do to begin homeschooling. They also provide stakeholders with regular updates on potential changes to state law regarding home education.

Additional Resources Related to Homeschooling Arkansas

Have other questions about homeschooling in Arkansas? You may find the following pages helpful.

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